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Do You Still Have Doubts On The Dangers Of Chinese Imports? By Susan Thixton. If there is anyone that has the slightest doubt that Chinese imported products - pet food ingredients or human products - continue to be dangerous, read a recent New York Times article posted on their website titled Impact of the Heparin Drug Scare. The most compelling part of this article is the photo included of a Chinese heparin lab.The Times photograph speaks a thousand words. The FDA has linked 19 American deaths to the drug heparin - a popular drug used as a blood thinner in surgery and dialysis. Anyone would assume that the manufacturing of an FDA approved drug would be performed in a sterile lab by scientists in white lab coats and masks. However, the Times photo proves otherwise. Knowing these conditions for manufacturing a human drug, imagine the manufacturing conditions of pet food ingredients in China. It sends chills up your spine.If you do nothing more for the safety of your pet - please find out if any ingredient in their food or treats comes from China. The risk from inferior quality imported Chinese products has been proven time and time again. Recalls continue on Chinese imports affecting every industry. There is no easy fix for manufacturing conditions in China. There is no easy fix to change importing regulations and testing requirements on imports. The ONLY easy fix for pet owners is to call the manufacturer and ask if any imported ingredients are used in their products. Canada and New Zealand are common providers

of pet food ingredients, however the risk of imports from these countries are little to none. Chinese imports on the other hand is completely different.When you call your pet food manufacturer, ask them if any ingredient is made or originates from China. Most pet food manufacturers don't like sharing this information with petsumers. However, this is not proprietary information and you deserve to know. This is vitally important information that could be life saving for your dog or cat.

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